
10398 Friendship Rd

Pilot Point, TX 76258
2572 sqft | 3 beds | 3 baths | 6.25 acres | #20715758


West­over Ranch, a charm­ing bou­tique eques­trian prop­erty in the heart of horse coun­try. Stun­ning one story cus­tom home pri­vately nes­tled on the rear of the prop­erty. Home of­fers 3 bed­rooms, 3 bath­rooms, home of­fice & 2 car garage. Ex­quis­ite crafts­man­ship & stun­ning de­signer fin­ishes through out through­out. Chef’s kitchen of­fer­ing Fisher & Paykel com­mer­cial range & built-in fridge,  quartz tops & over­sized pantry. Wall of slid­ing doors flanks the back of the home open­ing to three cov­ered pa­tios of­fer­ing end­less en­ter­tain­ing op­por­tu­ni­ties. Pri­mary bed­room boasts vaulted ceil­ings, spa­cious mas­ter bath with deep soak­ing tub & stun­ning walk in shower. Two spa­cious sec­ondary en­suite bed­rooms. Both of­fer­ing over­sized walk in clos­ets. 24 stall eques­trian fa­cil­ity lov­ingly main­tained and up­dated. Of­fer­ing cov­ered rid­ing arena 100 x 200, cov­ered walker, & gated en­trance. Mul­ti­ple tack rooms, groom­ing stalls & wash racks.


Brenda MancilBrenda Mancil REALTOR®